How Much Shampoo to Use: The Right Amount for Your Hair Type and the Benefits of Shampoo Bars

How Much Shampoo to Use: The Right Amount for Your Hair Type and the Benefits of Shampoo Bars

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Let's talk about shampoo, shall we? Not the sexiest topic, we know, but hear us out. We've all been there, rubbing shampoo on our heads without much thought. But what if we told you that the amount of shampoo you use could make or break your hair care game? Intrigued? Keep reading. 

Why Does the Amount of Shampoo Matter? 

The Impact of Using Too Much Shampoo 

Picture this: you're in the shower, hair slicked back, channelling your inner Timothée Chalamet. You reach for the shampoo and go to town, lathering up like there's no tomorrow. Feels good, right? Well, not so fast. 

Using too much shampoo is like overwatering a plant – it might seem like you're doing more, but you're actually doing damage. Excessive shampoo can leave a residue on your hair and scalp, making your locks feel heavy and look dull. It's also a surefire way to strip your hair of its natural oils, leaving it drier than the Sahara and about as manageable as a toddler on a sugar high. 

Why Shampoo Bars Are a Sustainable Solution 

Now, let's talk about the elephant in the bathroom – plastic waste. Enter: shampoo bars. 

The Environmental Benefits of Shampoo Bars 

Shampoo bars are the eco-friendly champions of the hair care world, leaving liquid shampoos in their sustainable dust. They come package-free or in minimal, home-compostable packaging, which means less plastic clogging up our oceans and landfills. Plus, they're often crafted with natural oils and ingredients, giving your hair the wholesome, nourishing treatment it deserves. 

How Shampoo Bars Are Different from Liquid Shampoo 

Shampoo bars are like the concentrate version of liquid shampoo and conditioner. They're super compact (perfect for travel, by the way) and last much longer than their liquid counterparts. One bar can replace up to three bottles of liquid shampoo. Talk about getting more bang for your buck! 

They also tend to be gentler on your hair and scalp, thanks to their natural ingredients. And because they're so concentrated, you need even less product to get the job done. 

How to Use Shampoo Bars for Maximum Effectiveness 

When it comes to solid shampoo, less is definitely more. Shampoo bars are highly concentrated, so you don't need to use as much as liquid shampoo. Here's a quick guide to get the most out of your bar: 

  1. Wet your hair thoroughly. We mean soaking wet, not just damp. 
  1. Swipe the shampoo bar a couple of times directly on your wet hair, or wet the bar and rub it between your hands to create a lather. 
  1. Put the bar down. 
  1. Massage the shampoo into your scalp and hair, focusing on the roots. 
  1. Work the lather through your hair to ensure even distribution. 
  1. Rinse well. Like, really well. 

Pro Tips: 

  • For longer hair, you might find it easier to create the lather in your hands first, then apply it to your hair. 
  • If you have thicker or coarser hair, you might need a few more swipes to get a good lather. 
  • Avoid running the lather down to the ends of your hair, especially if it's damaged or dry. The ends of longer hair are often more fragile and don't need as much cleansing. 

Remember, the key is to start with less than you think you need – you can always add more if necessary. With shampoo bars, a little goes a long way! 

Tips for Storing Shampoo Bars 

To keep your shampoo bar in tip-top shape: 

  • Let it air dry completely and keep away from direct water between uses. 
  • Store with ample airflow and drainage for best results. 
  • If you're travelling, pack it in our Travel Tin made with recycled aluminium. 

Remember, a well-cared-for shampoo bar can last up to 80 washes. That's a lot of good hair days. 

So, there you have it. The lowdown on how much shampoo to use and why shampoo bars might just be your new hair hero. Whether you're dealing with dry hair, oily hair, or anything in between, remember: when it comes to shampoo, less is often more. Now go forth and lather responsibly – your locks will be legendary. You can thank us later.